Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Notice
Discrimination is Against the Law.
The Â鶹¹ú²ú (Â鶹¹ú²ú) complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, including sex stereotypes and gender identity. Â鶹¹ú²ú does not exclude people or treat them worse because of their race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
Provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as: Qualified sign language interpreters, written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formals, other formats).
Provides free language services to people whose first language is not English when needed to communicate effectively with us, such as: Interpreters, and information translated into other languages.
If you need these services, contact: Â鶹¹ú²ú Department of Patient Relations; 718-250-8292 (day); 718-250-8025 (nights & weekends)
If you believe that Â鶹¹ú²ú has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with: [Patient Relations Officer], [121 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11201] [718-250-8292], [718-250-6331], []. You can file a grievance in person, by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance [Patient Relations Officer] is available to help you. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal available at , or by mail, phone, or fax at: [U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, 1-800-368-1019, TDD 1-800-537-7697, and fax of OCR Headquarters Office]. Complaint forms are available at
ATTENTION: Language assistance services, free of charge, may be available to you, by dialing 1-877-696-6775.
ATENCI?N: Si habla espa?ol, tiene a su disposici¨®n servicios gratuitos de asistencia ling¨¹¨ªstica. Llame al 1-877-696-6775.
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CH? ?: N?u b?n n¨®i Ti?ng Vi?t, c¨® c¨¢c d?ch v? h? tr? ng?n ng? mi?n ph¨ª d¨¤nh cho b?n. G?i s? 1-877-696-6775.
??: ???????????, ????????????????????. 1-877-696-6775 ??????????. PAUNAWA: Kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, maaari kang gumamit ng mga serbisyo ng tulong sa wika nang walang bayad. Tumawag sa 1-877-696-6775.
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ATANSYON: Si w pale Krey¨°l Ayisyen, gen s¨¨vis ¨¨d pou lang ki disponib gratis pou ou. Rele 1-877-696-6775.
ATTENTION: Si vous parlez fran?ais, des services d'aide linguistique vous sont propos¨¦s gratuitement.
Appelez le 1-877-696-6775. UWAGA: Je?eli m¨®wisz po polsku, mo?esz skorzysta? z bezp?atnej pomocy j?zykowej. Zadzwo¨½ pod numer 1-877-696-6775.
ATEN??O: Se fala portugu¨ºs, encontram-se dispon¨ªveis servi?os lingu¨ªsticos, gr¨¢tis. Ligue para 1-877-696-6775.
ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia l'italiano, sono disponibili servizi di assistenza linguistica gratuiti. Chiamare il numero 1-877-696-6775.
ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verf¨¹gung. Rufnummer: 1-877-696-6775.
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